2016 is marching along and our recent blog about pods and the environment has sparked some interest. As a result we have also been asked regularly which machines do our Lucaffé E.S.E. coffee pods fit in to. We thought we would add a few more thoughts for you.
Recently the problematic landfill mass of plastic/aluminium capsule style pods has prompted the German city of Hamburg to ban this style of pod from government buildings. Interesting.
The ease of use for capsule type pods is outweighed by the landfill volume. While capsule style pods are sometimes recyclable (this is if the capsules are opened and cleaned out of coffee) the reality is that this doesn’t happen and they go straight in to landfill. The alternative to these style of pods are E.S.E. coffee pods. These pods, once opened, are 100% biodegradable, make great compost and the packaging creates 30 times less land fill than conventional capsules.
Read about how ESE pods are better for the environment than plastic pods.
Which machine do the Lucaffé E.S.E. coffee pods fit in to?
Well quite a lot. Most obviously the La Piccola machines that we stock are purpose designed for these pods. Other brands like this are Tecno Systems, RDL, Grimac, and Wingkin. Some conventional machines have ESE pod adaptors for the handles. Most commonly some machines like De Longhi coffee machines, with an ESE pod stamp on the front, have a special basket that pops in to the handle for the these pods.
If you would like to know more give us a call on 1300 866 173 or send us an email through the contact page on this website.